I really believe that honey is one of the most amazing substances known to mankind. It tastes amazing, it looks beautiful, it is made by insects, and there are unending varieties of it, each one astoundingly different from the next. But perhaps one of the most amazing properties of honey is one I had never even paused to acknowledge before reading it on a honey farm's informational webpage:
honey never goes bad. It crystallizes, but one could theoretically keep using the same jar of honey indefinitely with no adverse effects. As someone who has often been disgusted by the amount of moldy, unidentifiable food products in their home refrigerator, this particular trait makes honey very dear to me. Well, that and the fact that it's better for you than refined sugar and tastes really good on peanut butter/banana sandwiches.
I wish I had more exciting things to blog about than my love of non-perishable food items, but life has been so normal and uneventful lately. Tomorrow I am planning a trip to my fave Bio-Markt to buy some more natural peanut butter that doesn't include plant fat/doesn't taste rancid. I'm reading two books at the same time: The Picture of Dorian Grey and The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. The first one I'm not wild about; the second has promise, but I'm not very far in yet. On Saturday I'm seeing Alice In Wonderland with a couple of friends--Tim Burton doing depraved with pedo undertones, should be interesting.
More on the above literature later. And I really will post something about the German language. But right now, I have a mountain of laundry that ain't gonna do itself.