Getting adjusted back to the homeland hasn't been as hard as I'd anticipated. I thought I would be a lot more homesick for Germany, but I'm doing pretty well in that regard. I miss the wonderful people I met during my year of European living, but life is progressing at such a rapid pace here that I haven't had time to really process the whole experience, or contemplate longingly all that I now miss. I've been working, sleeping, working, seeing friends, working, and trying to figure out what to do with myself in terms of getting ready to uproot my life yet again. My upcoming move to MN is getting nearer with each passing day, but I haven't yet given it the serious thought it deserves, either.
In other news, I'm preparing myself for some (hopefully) good shows, and eating a lot of curry. New music is finally making its way into my life, and I have to say there's some pretty good stuff coming out right now, especially out of my area. Such a relief to finally listen to something fresh, after a year of listening only to what I'd accumulated on my iPod. I love summer listening.